Eastview Awards
Will be awarded to students who have achieved an overall average of 80% or higher in their 4 core subjects (Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts).
Certificates will be awarded
Honours with Distinction
Will be awarded to students who have achieved an overall average of 90% or higher in their 4 core subjects (Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts)
Certificates will be awarded
Core Subject Awards (Math; Sciences; ELA; SS; P.E for all 3 grades)
One student will be recognized for each subject in each homeroom class for excellence in a core subject area. (ex. 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, 6-D, 6-E, 6-F, 6-G)
The student recognized will not necessarily be the top academic performer – (we are recognizing all-around students)
These awards are chosen based upon the following criteria: citizenship, attendance, work ethic in class, homework completion and/or academic achievement
Pod Teacher Groups will decide on these awards
Certificates will be awarded
Most Improved Student (in each homeroom class)
These awards are to recognize students who have made the greatest improvement throughout the school year
These awards are NOT to be awarded to students who have achieved an A grade in the first 2 terms as this award is recognizing improvement.
Criteria includes: determination, dedication to learning, motivation, and attitude
Pod Teacher Groups will decide on these awards
Certificates will be awarded
5. Rising Star Award (Overall Most Improved)
One student will be chosen per grade (grades 6,7,8)
The Rising Star Award recognizes students who have demonstrated vast improvements through the year. The students recognized are hard-working, show tremendous potential, and strive for excellence.
Professional grade teams (6, 7, 8) will select the award recipients
School Banner, Certificate, Plaque and Gift Cards (sponsored by Hucal and Edwards)
6. Eagle Pride Awards
One student is chosen in grades 6, 7 and 8.
Criteria includes the characteristics from the Eastview Mission Statement - Inspiring PRIDE through the pursuit of lifelong learning. Prepared - Respect - Integrity - Determination - Excellence.
Professional grade teams (6, 7, 8) will select the award recipients.
School Banner, Certificate, Plaque
Fine Arts Awards
7. Music Awards
One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding performer.
One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated performer.
The music teachers will select the awards winners.
School Banner, Certificate for Most Outstanding. Certificate will be awarded for Most Dedicated.
8. Visual Arts
One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding artist
One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated artist
The visual art’s teachers will select the awards winners
School Banner, Certificate for Most Outstanding. Certificate will be awarded for Most Dedicated.
9. Drama
One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding student
One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated student
The drama teachers will select the awards winners
School Banner, Certificate for Most Outstanding. Certificate will be awarded for Most Dedicated.
Athletic Awards
10. Top Player (MVP)
Top player (MVP) will be awarded for all teams (Junior, Bantam, Senior and City).
Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards.
School Banner, Certificate
11. Eagle Awards
Awarded to one player on each of the Junior, Bantam, Senior and City teams.
Criteria includes: hardest working, best team player, positive attitude, commitment.
Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards.
12. Athlete of the Year
Awarded to the top male and female student athlete in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards.
In the spirit of these awards we are looking for different students to win different awards (ex. MVP vs Eagle).
Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards
School banner, Certificate and Plaque.
13. Spirit of Eastview Award
Given to a person/organization who has donated significant time at EMS in the given school year.
The administration of Eastview Middle selects the recipient.
Plaque and picture to be displayed at school, plaque for winner.
14. Principal’s Award
Recognition of the two all-around top Grade 8 students.
Criteria includes: citizenship, academic performance, attendance, work ethic in class, involvement in Fine Arts and/or athletics and participation in school events.
The Grade 8 teachers in consultation with the Principal select these recipients.
School banner, plaque, certificate and gift card.