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Kindergarten Academy of Discovery

Kindergarten Academy of Discovery: Literacy and Numeracy learning through discovery and playrdpsd%20day%202-111-min%20(1)-1.jpg

  • Full day, every school day ENGLISH Kindergarten programming in at Annie L. Gaetz Elementary with partial costs covered by families
  • Focused on developing intellectual and academic skills through play based learning led by a Certified Teacher and Educational Assistant

Program Components

  • Alberta Education Program of Studies including English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Math
  • Social skills and priority of learning through play
  • Early assessment and intervention if needed
  • Wrap around services for speech, language, and occupational therapy

Program Additions

  • Literature immersion
  • Outdoor education
  • Physical literacy and wellness
  • Character education
  • Family literacy
  • Indigenous knowledge and experiences
  • Connection with the school community
  • The Arts (art, music and drama)

Cost: $500 per month, program capped at 20 students

Useful Links

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